GD120 Peter Dinev - Liturgy of St. John Crysostom



About artist

Peter Dinev

As a musicologist and pedagogue, he dedicated himself to Orthodox music. For many years Dinev worked on the "translation" of the ecclesiastic characters into modern linear notation, which created opportunities for a number of liturgical works from the first centuries of Christianity in Bulgaria to be included in the repertoire.

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About the work

Soloists: Alis Bovarian, Nikolina Pankova, Sasho Kostov, Alexander Deyanov, Plamena Zlateva, Dimitry Gambourtsev, Peter Petrov, Snezhana Karoleeva, Iolanta Tsaneva, Dimiter Darliev, Martin Pashovski

[1] By the Rivers of Babylon (Na rekah Vavilonskih) 8'44"
[2] Great Litany (Velika ektenia) 5'08"
[3] Bless the Lord O My Soul (Blagoslovi dushe moya Gospoda) 2'17"
[4] Small Litany (Malka ektenia)- Glory to Lord and the Son
(Slava Ottsu i Sinu) 5'17"
[5] In Thy Kingdom (Vo tsarstvii Tvoem) - Come Let Us Worship
(Priidite poklonimsya) 5'40"
[6] Cherubic Song (Herouvimska pessen) - As You Reign
(Yako da Tsarya) 7'22"
[7] The Lord and the Son (Ottsa i Sina) 1'00"
[8] Mercy of Peace (Milost mira) - We Sing Thee (Tebe poem) 7'04"
[9] Meet It Is (Dostoino est) 3'39"
[10] Our Father (Otche nash) 3'31"
[11] Rejoice, Virgin Mother of God (Bogoroditse, Devo, raduisya) 1'13"
[12] The Judicious Villain (Razboinika blagorazumnago) 2'46"
[13] Praise Ye the Name of the Lord (Hvalite imya Gospodne) 2'16"
[14] Christ Is Risen I (Hristos voskrese I) - Christ Is Risen II
(Hristos voskrese II) Grant, O Lord, Many Years (Mnogaya leta) 6'26"
DDD 63'09"
The release contains one of the most significant compositions of Peter Dinev - a person with great services to the preservation and research of medieval Bulgarian music. The recorded tracks are the composer's elaboration of old Orthodox chants done with mastership and inspiration. By interweaving of voices and timbres, the conductor, Stoyan Kralev has outlined the beauty of the choral songs laying the stress on the contrast between the sonority and elevation of the solo participation in prayers, rich in tenderness, humbleness and faith. With their emotionality and abundance of vocal skills and musical nuances the performances of Madrigal Chamber Choir draw the listener's attention, filling his heart with good will, kindness and love for people and God.

Recorded at St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, March 1998

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church is the oldest Slavic Orthodox Church.

If you want to learn more about the Bulgarian monasteries and listen the Bulgarian Orthodox Choir visit .

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